Jackdaw Beyond: Phase Zero
There has been a lot of talk off and on in the Jackdaw community about what the future holds for the Jackdaw token. Jackdaw set out to be a leaderless, decentralized, and scarce store of value. Jackdaw has achieved that goal within its first year of life on the Ravencoin blockchain.
Jackdaw was distributed openly and fairly, has a complete suite of tools including exchange options, and has maintained a decentralized & leaderless ethos throughout its life so far. Jackdaw has completed every initial goal that was set for the token and beyond. From wallets, to token analytics, to exchanges, the Jackdaw token currently sits as one of the most robust Ravencoin Assets to ever exist. It may also be the Ravencoin Asset with the highest face value to ever exist to date, and all this was accomplished with absolutely no funds set aside.
So what's next? Fancy staking mechnisms? Wrapped Jackdaw tokens? More exchange listings? All of the above have been brought to the table and may be completed by the community in future, with that said Jackdaw's next phase may come as a bit of a surprise.
We completed Jackdaw's distribution phase where we distributed Jackdaw via a mixed distribution scheme, completed our awareness phase where we raised awareness of Jackdaw in the Ravencoin community and beyond, and have started the ball rolling on our market phase with the recent exchange listing on the Neoxa Asset Portal. It may then come as a surprise that this next phase for the Jackdaw project will be the last from the team who initially incubated the Jackdaw token, we're calling it Phase Zero. With this last phase of the Jackdaw Project we will be decentralizing all aspects of the Jackdaw project, and then stepping away from the token to allow it to stand on its own with its community.
Why? Because Jackdaw was always intended as a "headless" Ravencoin Asset, it's right in the whitepaper. We could have retained the Ownership Asset for the project and adjusted the max supply, we could have made Jackdaw sub-assets and NFT's, we could have made different Jackdaw token-types, but we didn't. We burned the Ownership Asset for Jackdaw, ensuring there will never be any changes or centralized control to the token.
The mere existence of this website is at odds with Jackdaw's stated goal of having "no leaders." This website is not to be considered an official source for Jackdaw information but rather a volunteer effort to raise awarness about the token, provide links to tools, and keep a record of the history of the Jackdaw token and its various initial phases. With that said, there has become some level of centralization around this website and the JackdawToken.com X account, as they've been the only places to get regular Jackdaw updates for the first year of the tokens life.
That is about to change. While this website will remain operational, we have already started the process of decentralizing the Jackdaw community channels and by the end of this month this website will be the only remaining resource maintained by the team that initially incubated Jackdaw. From here, it will be up to the Jackdaw community to determine what Jackdaw becomes, we have no say in the direction the token takes. Maybe Jackdaw finds new life as a digitally scarce "wrapped" token on other blockchains, maybe someone comes up with a Jackdaw staking pool, maybe some new games or software will encorporate Jackdaw, the possibilities are endless as it is free and open to work with. Whatever the fate of Jackdaw, it will be decided by the community at large. We've provided a completely distributed, decentralized, and leaderless Ravencoin Asset with Jackdaw, and the time has come for the community to decide what it becomes from here. The incubation team has completed everything they set out to do and will no longer be involved in the project outside of updating JackdawToken.com and the JackBlog as the need arises. Rest assured, if there are new tools or opportunities within the Jackdaw project, we'll incorporate them into JackdawToken.com as we learn of them.
With all of that said we are excited for Jackdaw to enter Phase Zero, where we will truly see the community shine and Jackdaw takes its true final form as a completely leaderless token. It will be up to Jackdaw holders and fans to keep Jackdaw in the conversation and educate new users about the project. This website will continue to be a resource for the community going forward into the future, there are no plans to shut down the website. If you would like to take control of the JackdawToken.com X account, reach out to us on X and let us know why you'd like to be considered. By the end of the month we will no longer maintain any Jackdaw social channels, they will all be maintained by Jackdaw holders and community members.
We plan to continue the JackBlog but will only post updates as the need arises (such as announcing new tools, communities, or features). If no one claims the JackdawToken.com X account we will leave it up with a final message pointing users to this blog post so they can be informed about Phase Zero and what that means for the Jackdaw project going forward.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the Jackdaw Project, it has been a lot of fun getting this token off the ground. In our several years working to develop this idea we never dreamed it would be as successful as it has been. For a token completely distributed at a value of zero Jackdaw has certainly come a long way in a short time. We're hopeful the community can keep the momentum started by the JackdawToken.com effort, but no matter what Jackdaw holders can be proud to have been involved in a truly decentralized, cypherpunk experiment.